Tag Archives: boats


The Growing CWB –Tucked Away in the ‘Amazon Jungle’

I have been photographing old wooden boats at The Center for Wooden Boats since well before the South Lake Union neighborhood in Seattle was transformed and overtaken by Amazon buildings and the businesses that feed off […]

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The Disappearance of an Icon: The Historic Kalakala, an Art-Deco Boat and Piece of Maritime History

If you live in Seattle you may have heard of the Kalakala. It’s been in the news the past few weeks because it has finally been demolished, after various attempts to save it over the […]

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Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, oh my

Splendid, majestic, almost as if someone had set up the scene for photographers, complete with sky filled with billowing clouds and exquisite light. Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada is about a 45 minute drive […]

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