Category Archives: Locations


Quebec City–I’m definitely ‘not in Kansas’ anymore…

I was fortunate to have recently spent a short time in Quebec City. As a friend had informed me, it’s a little like being in a smaller version of Paris (sans Eiffel Tower, museums etc). […]

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Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia, oh my

Splendid, majestic, almost as if someone had set up the scene for photographers, complete with sky filled with billowing clouds and exquisite light. Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada is about a 45 minute drive […]

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The Visual Organization of What We See & How We Move

“Think in pathways, not positions.”–Alonzo King, mastermind behind the Alonzo King LINES Ballet. Wow. Not only does this apply to dance, but also to our lives. If their touring group is in your area, don’t […]

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A Stunning Location for a Wedding, and a Rompin’ Good Time

A yellow school bus + porta potties + a dirt dance floor in a barn + “The Ground Meat Flats” playing square dance music = a one-of-a-kind wedding celebration in Cannon Beach, Oregon, uniting the […]

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First Published Book

How many people have images buried somewhere on a hard drive that they rarely look at? Or maybe no images at all of a cherished home, landscape, or of the people who have shared their lives? I was honored […]

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