First Published Book

Front & Back Book Cover

Front & Back Book Cover

How many people have images buried somewhere on a hard drive that they rarely look at? Or maybe no images at all of a cherished home, landscape, or of the people who have shared their lives? I was honored to present my first photo book, a document of a 100-year-old family farm in Plains, Montana, to the Jorgensen family.  A keepsake full of images of a treasured place, along with many memories.

Some comments from the family: “…a family treasure…”, “I love how the photo captures the beauty of the hills…”, “how wonderful to get some really nice photos of our family farm. This land has been in the family since my father homesteaded in 1910.”

Do you have old photos scattered and forgotten? Or perhaps you don’t even have photos of a special place/home/landscape, or of the important people in your life. Imagine creating a keepsake/document before that place is changed, that person is gone.

Farm ShedGrassy Field

Farm TractorJorgenson Family

Farm Equipment Farm Detail

Jorgenson Family Farm


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  1. Marilyn August 24, 2013 at 7:17 pm #

    What a fabulous treasure to hand down from generation to generation!
    Your photos are exquisite! This would make an exceptional gift for a loved one:)

    • Arlene August 24, 2013 at 9:52 pm #

      Thanks Marilyn! I would love to create for others a way to preserve special memories of place and/or people. The tractor in the photo is now gone–some farm machinery was sold off not long after that photo was taken.

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