The Majestic Qualities of Nature (Baby Birds are Back Again!)

Bewick's Wren bird nest in mailboxOn April 22, Earth Day, when I peeked inside my mailbox, I found a new inhabitant!

Bewick's Wren bird nest in mailbox completeAnd in the evening when I peeked inside the mailbox again I found a beautiful small bird sitting on the nest that she snuggly fit into, like a queen on her throne. Over the past 4 weeks I had witnessed my mailbox being transformed into a bird’s nest that was a work of art. First a grass or small branch is all that was there, then slowly, more material was brought in to create a home and incubation room for the eggs to be laid (including spider egg sacs that look like white cotton in the images). I could tell during the last few days that eggs would be coming soon; the nest was ready, finishing touches had been put in/on it, and the small nest bowl was slightly widened.

Bewick's Wren bird nest in mailbox with one eggFirst one egg suddenly appeared and then during the evening I discovered the mother sitting steadfastly on it… in my mailbox! And the next morning I discovered a second egg. The morning after that there was yet another egg to make three (and more could be coming). This year I turned a birdhouse with a movable top lid into a temporary mailbox below the official mailbox–you used my mailbox for your eggs, I’ll use a birdhouse for my mail!Bewick's Wren bird nest in mailbox with two eggs

Last year 5 Bewick’s Wren baby birds hatched inside my mailbox and I witnessed and photographed their development with fascination (on my blog at The Cycle of Life and Baby Birds–Part II). I feel priviledged to be able to watch the development of this new bird family right outside my front door. No matter what is happening in the world, the majestic beauty and simplicity of nature is out there ready to be appreciated and serves as a reminder of what’s important.

Bewick's Wren bird nest in mailbox with three eggs

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