Little “Free” Libraries – Gems in the City

Little Free LibraryIf you live in Seattle, you probably know what Little Free Libraries are. If you reside outside of this beautiful city, you may not have been introduced to these miniature gems that are scattered throughout different neighborhoods.

I have since learned though that many parts of the country are also graced with these creative troves holding donated books. There are no library cards, no fees, no policies, except the welcome to take what books interest you and leave the books you want to share. They are unique in that they are ‘little’,’free’, and ‘libraries’ in front of someone’s house!Little Free Library

Little Free Library Besides the unexpected discovery inside each one of these ‘book containers’ (what will I find when I look into this library?), what intrigues me is the uniqueness of each structure–the architecture and creative design. Imagination is the only limit. Each Little Library is an exercise in creativity holding worlds created by authors and fostering community and sharing (when was the last time you ‘read’ those books collecting dust on shevles inside your home? Maybe someone else might get some benefit from a book after you are done reading it?)

In honor of the spread of these new mini-monuments in our neighborhoods I have Little Free Libraries greeting cardcreated a “Little Free Libraries” greeting card, using some photographs I took in the neighborhood of Ballard (you can order these cards via the contact form on the Contact page). Sometimes it seems the more we are isolated behind computers, the more we are in need of a way to come together… Little Libraries are a step in that direction.

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