The Visual Organization of What We See & How We Move

Metal Stairway on side of house“Think in pathways, not positions.”–Alonzo King, mastermind behind the Alonzo King LINES Ballet. Wow. Not only does this apply to dance, but also to our lives. If their touring group is in your area, don’t miss this profoundly remarkable experience.

The stunning visual display was accompanied by riveting music performed by Zakir Hussain (a child prodigy whose father played with Ravi Shankar). His masterful performance captivated me as much as the canvas the dancers painted with their bodies.Colorful bottles holding flowers aligned on sidewalk

“Straight and Circle encompass all that we see… and lines imply connections…” Alonzo King is not just interested in technique and visuals, but also in the energy that infuses the movement (he calls his works ‘thought structures’). How can we apply this wisdom to our own lives?

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One Comment

  1. Urania May 6, 2014 at 1:51 pm #

    So true the master Alonso King was a pleasure to hear at the Meany Hall Theater last Friday. The dancers, the music and movements were incredible. Thanks for the post.

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