Headshots! Transformation. Magic?

Professional female headshot…Or, revealing the person for who they are.

After… and before. Dog and owner before headshot session

Transformation. Magic?  Taken in Georgetown, Seattle’s neighborhood of low-flying airplanes and uniqueness that is near to Boeing field, we found a rare day this summer that was not all sun and intense heat. Being patient for a day with some good lighting and knowing where to find the shade helped.

And, Molly on ‘the set’ was not a problem; perhaps she knew she’d be going to the dog treat store when we were done and then she would get to be the center of attention as usual.

In a matter of a few minutes, off came the baseball cap and some lipstick was applied. No makeup artist or hair stylist needed here to aid in the transformation from Seattle woman walking her dog to knowledgeable SEO & UX expert, Conference Coordinator, and sought-after speaker in her field.

Famale headshotFemale headshotFemale corporate headshot

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