Inspiration: Those That Go Beyond

Peking Acrobats“When you see people doing things that you don’t think is possible, it gives you the ability to dream bigger and do anything in life…”–Steven Hai, Assistant and Creative Director for The Peking Acrobats.

After witnessing the astonishing performance of ‘those that go beyond’ at the UW World Series at Meany Hall, I felt inspired and uplifted from the everydayness that can often permeate life.

These dancers/artists/acrobats from Taiwan do what seems and looks impossible–from handstands on a tall stack of chairs that are balanced on 4 narrow bottles sitting on a table, to juggling with head and shoulders a large planter (yes, planter). And throughout their performance are scenes of stunning visual splendor of artists contorting and extending the normal limits of the body in synchronicity with beautiful live music (including the pipa, the guzheng and a flute) and with each other, and choreography and backgrounds that enriched the experience.

The standing ovation from an enlived audience was testament to the gifts we shared from the performers that evening. May we find ways to soar in our own lives.

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