Quebec City–I’m definitely ‘not in Kansas’ anymore…

Street view of Quebec City buildingsI was fortunate to have recently spent a short time in Quebec City. As a friend had informed me, it’s a little like being in a smaller version of Paris (sans Eiffel Tower, museums etc). I enjoyed using my grade school French although I soon discovered that people spoke so quickly I was often lost with the first sentence. In tight spots, however, picking out a word I knew from a conversation did come in handy.

Colorful hydrangea and fire hydrant

What I loved most about the city, in addition to the continual challenge of speaking French, were the beautiful stone buildings that were full of history dating back to the 1600s/1700s, and the splashes of colors throughout.

Quebec City street corner with bench, doorway, and arrowForged metal shutters on stone building





Beautiful flowers hanging from window baskets adorned stone walls, there were windows that were bracketed with forged-metal shutters or veiled by lovely lace curtains, and each day ‘J’ai mangé des croissants qui étaient merveilleux’ (thanks for the help Google translator).

flower boxes in windows Door facade, window, lace curtain, flowers

School in Old Quebec City



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  1. Robin Flinn-Roberts October 9, 2014 at 11:32 am #

    Hi Arlene….
    Again, very nice work. I enjoyed my time there in 2004.
    It was so nice to see you a couple of weeks ago and thank you for the dinners.
    Best always, Robin

  2. Arlene October 9, 2014 at 12:28 pm #

    Thanks Robin. I just put together packages of photo cards with these images and some others on them. And you’re welcome.

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