Inspiration: Stunning Visuals with Streaming Rice/Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan

Three and one-half tons of golden-colored rice, cascading in a thin line from the top of the stage onto a still figure, for 90 minutes.

Labrynth of rice: "Songs of the Wanderers" performanceChanging light highlighted angles and shapes created by the fallen rice while a figure at the side stood motionless under a constant stream of falling rice. The movement of the modern dancers flowed to the sound of Gregorian chants, interweaving with the grains of rice, gracefully, and sometimes in fits.

golden-colored grains of riceEnding with one solo figure using a long tool to carefully create the circlular forms of a large labrynth in the remnants of the fallen rice.

Perfect ending to a rare performing experience, leaving me with the stunning visuals Labrynth of rice: "Songs of the Wanderers" performancestreaming through my mind.

(photos taken with an iPhone)

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